Maidenhead Rowing Club

Fire Safety Procedures

Location: Maidenhead RC Reception


Responsible Person

Club Committee

Club Landline: 01628671671

Diane Steel: 07912606825


Maidenhead Rowing Club


River Road, Taplow, Maidenhead, SL6 0AT

Fire Warden

Chris Sneller: 07703282161

Buildings Manager

Ken Bedwell: 07919214374

Date of Issue

12th January 2021

This Document has been produced to help ensure

Maidenhead Rowing Club

Meets the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order 2005

All information contained within this document is




Safeguarding and Welfare of Children


Maidenhead Rowing Club fully adopts and abides by British Rowing’s Safeguarding and Welfare policies in respect of children (anyone under 18) and adults at risk.

Linked to Safeguarding is British Rowing’s Code of Conduct.  This Code of Conduct applies to anyone participating in rowing activity, or working in an affiliated club or organisation, or volunteering with our club.  Every member agrees to abide by British Rowing’s Code of Conduct when they join Maidenhead Rowing Club.  This Code also applies to parents of junior members.  Please take a moment to read what you have agreed to!

Please find below an abridged version of the club’s Safeguarding Policy for its junior members:


Safeguarding Children and Young People


Code of Conduct

As a child or vulnerable adult taking part in rowing you have a right to stay safe and most importantly have fun.

Coaches and rowers have to abide by Safeguarding Policies for Children and for Adults at Risk which help to create a safe environment and deliver a positive and enjoyable experience.

Here is some information about your rights and what you can expect of other people.


Your rights

To be safe in rowing

To be respected

To be treated fairly

To enjoy rowing without feeling pressured

To raise any worries you have and be listened to


Your responsibilities

Follow the rules of the club and British Rowing’s Code of Conduct

Be a model sportsperson and be respectful to your fellow club members, coaches and helpers

Do not engage in bullying, insulting comments or swearing

Perform to the best of your ability

Be prepared for sessions and tell your coach or parents if you are going to be late

Accept what your coach asks you to do within the rules of rowing


Your coach’s responsibilities

To follow your club’s rules and be properly qualified

To put your welfare first

To treat you with respect

Not to push you into doing anything you do not want to do

To keep proper boundaries, meaning that they:

  • Are not abusive;
  • Don’t make you feel uncomfortable through their words or actions;
  • Don’t touch you inappropriately; and
  • Do not use insulting language.

You can talk to your coach or the Juniors’ Captain if you are worried about any of these matters.  If you prefer, or you have a serious welfare, child protection or safeguarding concern, please contact the Club Welfare Officer:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information and guidance on specific issues please use the links to the British Rowing website or contact the club Welfare Officer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Safeguarding and Use of Social Media

Where a participant in rowing is under 18, we ask that their parent(s)/carer(s) spend a few minutes to read through and discuss this statement with their child and ensure they understand their responsibilities. The following reflects British Rowing’s Online Safety and Social Media Policy.

As a participant in rowing:

  • I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the internet and social media or any digital content in relation to British Rowing, or Maidenhead Rowing Club, including the content I access and how I conduct myself.
  • I will not deliberately create, browse or access material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material, I will report this to my Club Welfare Officer.
  • I will not use social media or the internet to send anyone material that could be considered threatening, offensive, upsetting, bullying or that is illegal.
  • I understand that all my use of internet and social media is potentially visible to everyone and that any issues involving my behaviour online may be addressed by my Coach, another official at Maidenhead Rowing Club, or by British Rowing.
  • I will not give out any of my personal information (such as name, age, address, or telephone number online), or that of anyone else.
  • I will not share my passwords or PINs with anyone else.
  • I am aware that if I am experiencing bullying behaviour or abuse online, I can contact my Coach or the Club Welfare Officer.

In addition, if I am under 18:

  • I understand that I should only use my club’s or British Rowing’s official social media or website communication channels to contact them and should not seek out individual members of staff or coaches. However I know that my club has a Club Welfare Officer who I can contact via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or I can contact British Rowing’s Lead Safeguarding Officer by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • I will not arrange to meet someone that I have met online unless accompanied by a parent/carer.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe, and if they are not followed my parents may be contacted.
  • I will avoid using my mobile or smartphone during activities at my rowing club as I understand that it will have an impact on my safety and my opportunity to learn and achieve.
  • I know I can contact Childline on 0800 11 11 if I have any worries about something I’ve seen or experienced online.

Anyone who feels unsafe, unwelcome or harassed or who has any questions or concerns should contact the Club Welfare Officer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or British Rowing’s Lead Safeguarding Officer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Maidenhead Rowing Club fully adopts and abides by the British Rowing protection and welfare policies.
If you need more information and  guidance on specific issues, please refer to this web site page or contact the club welfare officer at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.           

You can find information on the policy relating to Vulnerable Adults here: