Private racks are allocated by the Captain. It is the responsibility of members with private boats kept at the Club to ensure they are properly insured and have an Environment Agency licence.


Private Rack Policy

It is the responsibility of members with private boats kept at the Club to ensure they are properly insured and have an Environment Agency licence.

The Club insurance does not provide ANY insurance cover for private boats whilst on Club premises, on the river or during transport to and from events. The Club takes no responsibility for any damage to privately owned boats.

Terms and conditions of use

Private racks are allocated by the Captain, and are made available on the following basis:

  • The rack fee has been paid in full and by 30th May of each year.
  • If a member has not paid the rack fee by the due date, boats are liable to be moved by the Captain without warning and the committee reserves the right to sell your boat if it remains on Club premises beyond this date.
  • The rack is used on a regular basis (unless it is a storage rack).

Since there is a waiting list for racks, the club reserves the right, after giving prior notice, to move a boat to a storage rack if it is not being used regularly, and to reallocate the accessible rack to another member on the waiting list.

Boat owners should ensure that:

  • They have their own boat insurance.
  • They have a boat license from the Environment Agency.
  • The boat is named in accordance with the EA's river rules (ie a MHD number).

MHD numbers are allocated by the Captain.

  • Since the numbers are linked to the clubs EA boat licence scheme, it is important that numbers are allocated from the master sequence.

Boats and sculls are marked so that it is obvious that the equipment is private. Private boats are stored in the boathouse at owners' risk, and the club cannot accept any liability for loss or damage to private boats, howsoever caused. Under no circumstances should sculling boats be moved, racks re-allocated or boats moved into the boathouse without speaking to the Captain first.

Waiting List

Please do not purchase a sculling boat on the assumption that there will be space available in the boat house. Approximately a third of the racking space in the boathouse is currently allocated to boats not owned by the club. There is no more rack space available for new private sculling boats. Consequently, a waiting list is in operation. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please speak to the Captain.

When a senior rack becomes available it is allocated entirely at the Captain's discretion. This will be reported to the committee. The decision to allocate racks is based on:-

  • Length of time on the rack waiting list. This list is administrated by the Captain
  • Extent of competitive rowing
  • Services to the club
  • Willingness to boat share

Allocation of Junior racks

Junior Racks are allocated by the Junior Captain. Rack fees are collected by the Membership Secretary.

Junior Racks are even rarer than Senior Racks.

For this reason juniors are not encouraged to buy their own boats until they are in the J16-18 squads.

Preference will be given to juniors taking part in the GB selection process.

Rack allocation will be reviewed annually and if a junior is no longer competing at a high level or indeed rowing at all, they will be asked to remove their boat to make way for someone who is.

Allocation of Senior racks

Senior Racks are allocated by the Club Captain. Rack fees are collected by the Membership Secretary.

Boat / Rack sharing

Boat / rack sharing is encouraged to maximise rack usage and to help as many people as possible to have access to a private sculling boat.  Any current boat owners interested in this option should advise the Captain, and anyone wishing to take up a boatshare should likewise make their wishes known so that people can be matched up.  If arrangements are made privately, it would be appreciated if the Captain could be advised so that we have a clear picture of the boat rack situation.

Second-hand Boat Purchase

If you buy a sculling boat from another member, the rack does not go with the boat.  Rack assignment is according to the waiting list.  Therefore, should an existing member decide to sell a boat, it would be appreciated if they could inform the Captain so that those on the waiting list may be offered the option to purchase first.