Masters Men

Maidenhead Rowing Club welcomes Masters Rowers at all levels and ages.

Maidenhead Rowing Club welcomes Masters Rowers at all levels and ages. We have a very active membership of approximately 50 rowers and scullers covering a broad range of experience, from former GB Squad, National Champions and Henley Royal Regatta winners to those novices coming up from our own Learn To Row programme.

We are very much a competitive squad, not recreational, racing in a variety of heads and regattas near the club, on the Tideway and further afield. We have produced impressive results and wins in events such as Henley Masters, National Masters, Veteran Fours Head, Pairs Head, Vesta Veterans’ Head of the River Race, Head of the Charles River and European competitions, as well as many club events around the country.

Whether a novice rower or a performance athlete, we all share a passion for the sport, strive to develop good oarsmanship and hold dear the spirit of fellowship in our club. This is a squad that very much works together for the enjoyment of our magnificent sport. We race in all boat types from 1x to 8+ and are seen on the river throughout the year and in all weathers!

We recognise that work and life’s commitments sometimes get in the way of rowing, so squad members are welcome to tailor their involvement for land and water training accordingly.

We are a friendly and inclusive squad, so if you are interested in joining please contact


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