Masters Women

The squad has a friendly and supportive culture.

As the Maidenhead Masters Women’s squad, we cater for a wide range of abilities and aspirations.

Over the last few years, many of our crews have successfully competed on the tideway at Head of the River races, the British Rowing Masters championship and at many local regattas and head races.

Our squad has access to a range of well-maintained boats, enabling our whole squad to get out on the river together. We have regular water sessions on weekend mornings and in the summer weekday evenings. We join the senior women for land training in the winter in our newly equipped clubhouse strength and conditioning suite and ergo room.

The squad has a friendly and supportive culture, where members often turn out to support our crews at events.

We appreciate everyone has varying work and life commitments, which can limit the amount of time that they can give to rowing, so members are welcome to tailor their training accordingly.

If you are interested in joining, please contact


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